This article presents Mike Barnacle’s submission to the council on the “Local Development Plan 2” Main Issues Report. It also includes supporting information relating to the MIR. The following is of particular note.
- 1 Local Development Plan 2 – Main Issues Report
- 2 Q32 Settlement Boundaries
- 3 Balado
- 4 Blairingone
- 5 Crook of Devon
- 6 Kinnesswood
- 7 Powmill
- 8 Rumbling Bridge
- 9 Fossoway Community Strategy Group
- 10 Blairingone
- 11 Crook of Devon
- 12 Powmill
- 13 Rumbling Bridge
- 14 Public Meetings
- 15 Presentations by Councillors Barnacle and Cuthbert
- 16 Special Landscape Areas – Draft Supplementary Guidance
- 17 Landscape Designation – the Kinross Experience
- 18 Supplementary Guidance on Landscape for PKC’s Adopted LDP
- 19 Mike Barnacle’s Submission on Main Issues Report
- 20 Kinross Newsletter Article on Local Development Plan 2 Main Issues Report
- 21 Public Transport Between Edinburgh, Dunfermline, Dundee and Perth
- 22 Letter to Brenda Murray and Peter Marshall on LDP Main Issues Report
Local Development Plan 2 – Main Issues Report
I have completed the submission form for the Local Development Plan Team
and attach a copy of my responses to the questions I find relevant.
I would particularly draw your attention to my comments in relation to
Policies RD7 (Q4&5), PM4 (Q7) and RD5; also those specifically relating to
Kinross-shire Ward (Q2), Q32 (see below), Q33 to 37 and my other comments
on the final sheet.
In response to Q32 on settlement boundaries I would comment as follows:
Q32 Settlement Boundaries
Should the appeal against local members’ refusal of the Beaufield planning
application fail, there is an opportunity to argue that the area of the
site should be designated as open space, being central to the settlement.
Failing that, reversion to the 2004 Local Plan boundary should be
Inevitably, if the preferred option to develop a community plan is chosen
then the current settlement boundary will be altered to reflect this.
Crook of Devon
Crook of Devon 1 of the Pre MIR submissions is the Manse site and I suggest
this area should be considered for inclusion in the settlement,
incorporating the potential for community woodland and parking.
Crook of Devon 2 included a triangle of ground south of the old railway
line that has not been included in Map 32 and which, I suggest, could be
considered for zoning as an employment site.
The area of hill land (6 hectares) known as Stephens’ Field to the east of
the village should be considered for inclusion in the settlement boundary
as open space (previously village setting area in 2004 Local Plan).
I do not like the current settlement boundary, especially the lack of
linkage between Gartwhinzean to the west and the main village. The
Fossoway Community Strategy Group’s map is a much better approach,
particularly in relation to assessment area P5 of DTA’s Landscape Capacity
Study to the south. It is to be regretted that the Reporter to our current
LDP dismissed the Masterplan concept and the opportunity to deliver
community benefits for Powmill, especially junction improvements for
A977/A823 and open space.
Rumbling Bridge
I dislike the current settlement boundary to the north and feel the 2004
Local Plan boundary which allocated an area of village setting and followed
the Devon Gorge to Naemoor Road was much better in concept, so I would
advocate this reversion.
You should note the error in the MIR in Para 4.4.17, Table 13 and Q35
referring to the B9074 when it should read B9097.
Also, when considering my comments on settlement boundaries above my
response to Q15, plus other comments on the final sheet of the submission
form, please refer to correspondence enclosed and summarised at the end of
this letter. If there is anything unclear, that requires clarification,
please let me know.
Yours sincerely
[image: Mike B sig]
Cllr Michael Barnacle
Independent Member for Kinross-shire
Fossoway Community Strategy Group
The FCSG met in September 2015 to discuss the Pre-Main Issues Report Submissions for the area. There follows below an email from Mike Barnacle to Peter Marshall at PKC presenting the group’s response.
Dear Peter
I refer to our ‘phone conversations last week regarding the meeting of the
Fossoway Community Strategy Group that I reconvened to discuss the above.
In summary, the group’s response to the above was as follows viz:-
Support for Blairingone 1 providing the line of any proposed by-pass to the
south is not compromised and major mitigation measures for A977 are
considered, i.e. roundabout at western approaches.
Crook of Devon
Opposition to zoning for housing at Crook 1 (Manse site) but more relaxed
on use of ground for manse, parking and woodland (either within or outwith
settlement boundary depending on revision of Policy PM4.)
Support for Crook 2 if major mitigation measures on A977 provided,
particularly large roundabout at ‘B’ road junction.
Complete opposition to Crook 3 and Crook 4.
An employment site would be welcome.
Complete opposition to Powmill 1.
Support for current H53 zoning and possible extension if Masterplan concept
could be rejuvenated.
Rumbling Bridge
A small development at RB1 could be considered, if it included affordable
A desire to see Strategy Groups settlement boundary incorporating Devon
Gorge with Naemoor Road.
Trust this is helpful. Will advise outcome of public presentations per
note attached.
Kind regards.
Councillor Mike Barnacle
Independent Member for Kinross-shire
Public Meetings
The item below gives the schedule of public meetings run by Councillors Barnacle and Cuthbert to ascertain the views of their constituents in relation to the Local Development Plan and Main Issues Report. Subsequent information includes Councillor Barnacle’s submission on the Main Issues Report consultation and other relevant correspondence.
Presentations by Councillors Barnacle and Cuthbert
Your Independent Councillors have liaised with the Kinross-shire Community Councils (CC’s) regarding short presentations on the Review of the Local Development Plan (LDP) and the Pre Main Issues Report (MIR) submissions, briefly outlined in Councillor Barnacle’s Report in the July 2015 Newsletter. Local members have since met with Planning Officers to discuss these but our constituents’ views need to be ascertained. So, in order to facilitate this, we have agreed to make the following presentations:-
- THURSDAY 13TH August, prior to the monthly meeting of Milnathort CC focussing on submissions in the Report for 7.00 pm at Orwell Church Hall.
- TUESDAY 1st September, prior to the monthly meeting of Fossoway CC focussing on submissions in the Report for Blairingone, Crook of Devon, Powmill and Rumbling Bridge. 00 pm at Fossoway Primary School, Crook of Devon.
- WEDNESDAY 2nd September, prior to the monthly meeting of Kinross CC focussing on submissions in the Report for Balado and Kinross. 00 pm at Masonic Hall, Muirs.
- MONDAY 7th September at a special meeting of Cleish and Bairadam CC foccussing on submissions in the Report for Cleish, Greenacres, Keltybridge, Maryburgh and Blairforge. 30 pm at Cleish Village Hall.
- TUESDAY 8th September at the monthly meeting of Portmoak CC focussing on submissions in the Report for Kinnesswood, Scotlandwell and Kilmagadwood. 00 pm at Portmoak Primary School, Kinnesswood.
This is your chance to have your say on the proposed developments for Kinross-shire to 2028.
For further information, contact:
Councillor Mike Barnacle 01577 840516
Councillor Dave Cuthbert 01577 861681
Special Landscape Areas – Draft Supplementary Guidance
Letter from Mike to Graham Esson.
Landscape Designation – the Kinross Experience
Supplementary Guidance on Landscape for PKC’s Adopted LDP
Letter from Councillor Mike Barnacle to colleagues on local Community Councils.
Mike Barnacle’s Submission on Main Issues Report
Kinross Newsletter Article on Local Development Plan 2 Main Issues Report
Public Transport Between Edinburgh, Dunfermline, Dundee and Perth
Letter from Mike to Local MSPs.
Letter to Brenda Murray and Peter Marshall on LDP Main Issues Report