Extract from List of Policies
Perth & Kinross Council Local Development Plan
Adopted 3 February 2014
Policy RD5: Gypsy Travellers’ Sites
Policy RD5A: Existing Sites
Existing authorised Gypsy/Travellers’ sites will be protected and there will be a presumption against their conversion to other uses.
Policy RD5B: New Sites
The Council will assess applications for permanent sites and temporary ‘short-stay’ sites in small groupings; generally considered to be between 1-10 pitches. Proposals for the development of a site for Gypsy/Travellers’ accommodation on unallocated land will be supported provided:
(a) The Council is satisfied the number and nature of the pitches provided on the site is appropriate to the site size and general area.
(b) The site will not detract from the physical character, and there is no more than a minimal effect on the appearance of the wider area; the site is, or can be, adequately screened and landscaped.
(c) The use of the site must be environmentally compatible with, and not negatively affect or be affected by, the neighbouring land uses.
(d) The needs of the residents of the site, temporary or permanent, for essential services can be met appropriately by local facilities; these include rubbish collection, access to water and drainage.
(e) There is satisfactory access and the site does not generate traffic of an amount or type inappropriate for the roads in the area.
(f) The site can be adequately secured to provide a safe environment for the residents using the site.
Note: All authorised sites will require a caravan site licence from the Council, as per the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960; the licence deals with the management of the site so further detail on this has not been duplicated in the policy. Any non-domestic waste (ie commercial and industrial), will be the responsibility of the landowner to dispose of appropriately.