Copies of two letters sent recently by Cllr Barnacle to Kinross,
Milnathort, Portmoak, Fossoway & District and Cleish &
Blairadam Community Councils
Kinross-shire Forum of Community Councils
As the local member who originally strongly advocated the
idea of a Forum of our community councils, to meet together
periodically to discuss common issues of concern affecting our
county, as long ago as 2008, I am concerned at recent
suggestions from some quarters that its successor the Kinrossshire
Community Council Network should perhaps not
I agree with my colleagues, Cllrs Cuthbert & Robertson, that
there is a need for the Network to continue, especially since the
apparent demise of the Convention of Perth & Kinross
Community Councils. I believe we have some very good and
committed community councils in Kinross-shire that do
sterling work on behalf of their communities. As local
members, it is really valuable when there are issues of
importance in the county that require, if possible, a strong
united voice up at Perth for a forum to exist that enables
discussion of same and exchange of views between the
community councils; this can only help us in gauging opinion
for representation up at Perth.
I very much hope that those with doubts as to the necessity or
wisdom of continuing with the Network think again and agree
to meet to discuss the way forward.
Landscape Designations for Kinross-shire
I refer to the recent letter from the Kinross-shire Civic Trust
to the Kinross-shire CCs regarding landscape policy
protection for our shire, concluding with a call for Kinrossshire
to be considered as a National Scenic Area.
I strongly support this suggestion.
In February 2011 and again in April 2012, I wrote to Forward
Planning at PKC on the Main Issues Report and Proposed
Local Development Plan respectively lamenting the demise of
the Areas of Great Landscape Value from Scottish Planning
Policy under Government directive. The community and I
worked hard at our last Local Plan Inquiry to acquire the
extension of the AGLVs to our county’s hill and river borders.
At present the new proposed plan policy ER6 only mentions
National Scenic Areas for safeguarding against inappropriate
development. Since my call in February 2011 to be involved in
discussions on the local landscape areas that could replace the
AGLVs nothing has happened, although I understand that it is
now a priority to develop supplementary guidance for the new
proposed Plan in this regard. This aspect now acquires some
urgency, given the potential for a proliferation of wind cluster
and farm turbine developments both within our county and on
its borders that were discussed at the joint meeting of the Trust,
CCs and elected members on 25 June 2013. At that meeting,
PKC Forward Planning indicated that one of the special areas
of s ensitivity in relation to inappropriate developments and the
need for landscape protection is Lochleven and its surrounding
hills (Cleish, Lomond & Ochil).
It is imperative that the PKC planners now press on with
consultation and discussion on such landscape designation,
involving Scottish Natural Heritage and the community
councils, so I feel the Trust’s call is timely and should be
seriously considered and supported.