Attendees: Cllr Barnacle, PKC; Cllr Purves, PKC; Cllr Watters, PKC; Paul Appleby, Cleish CC; Michael Haigh, Fossoway CC; John Fallon, Local Resident Rumbling Bridge; Margaret Ponton, Glenfarg CC; David Aird, Kinross-shire Volunteer Group; David Colliar, Kinross CC; Carol Farquhar, Fossoway CC; Phillip Lord, Muckhart CC; Douglas Fraser, Glenfarg CC; Margaret Roy, PKC PTU.
Apologies: Cllr Robertson, Perth & Kinross Council; Andrew Warrington, ACBuG; Sarah Brown, Kinross High School; Doctor McCracken, Loch Leven Health Centre Matters Arising Cllr Barnacle advised group that Sarah Brown had issued transport survey to her pupils at KHS, all agreed that SB should be asked to re-issue survey when there was a full return of pupils to KHS after summer holidays. Cllr Barnacle will contact Sarah and request this.
Cllr Barnacle advised group that currently there are only four members of Portmoak Community Council so they have been unable as yet to assign anyone to represent them on this group at this meeting. Cllr Barnacle will write to Sue MacGregor to ask who would be able to attend this group in the future.
Update On Current Subsidised Local Bus Services In Kinross-Shire
Margaret Roy (MR) confirmed that further to the Service 55 trial up to and including 31 March, usage had been consistent, albeit lower than the potential due to CV19 restrictions, thus the decision had been taken to extend the contract up to and including 31 March 2023. Some tweaks to the timetable had been requested and MR will progress these. Once results from pupil survey already issued and further one after summer, any further requests to revise the timetable can be investigated. Future Planning For Public Transport Provision In Kinross-Shire
Paul Appleby confirmed that there is no demand for public transport provision in the Cleish and Blairadam area. Cllr Purves suggested the group should therefore focus on the areas where there is a demand. MR confirmed that PTU had drafted a suggested off peak timetable between Kinross and Powmill. MR can share this timetable with the group.
All members of the group in support of improved public transport links to Halbeath. MR advised that she had submitted John Fallon’s suggested timetable to this end to First but had not received a written response from their MD at this point but he had verbally explained to her that this was not a service First could look at operating commercially at this point.
MR explained issues regarding sourcing funding for this requested service but she would speak to colleagues in Fife and Stirling/Clacks PTU and seek their views on progressing this matter.
CF noted that the DRT provision fulfils an important role and Cllr Watters agreed and noted his support for this scheme. Cllr Barnacle added that he agreed DRT should be retained.
All agreed that due to current situation the Kinross-shire Community Transport Group would be maintained as a steering group. Once we started moving out of CV19 restrictions and future transport demand was established then the group could progress implementing/revising transport services.
Cllr Purves suggested inviting KMGO to future meetings of this group. All agreed. Cllr Purves will contact KMGO and ask if they would like to join this group and attend future meetings.
AOB And Date Of Next Meeting
All agreed to meet again in two months and Cllr Barnacle will confirm actual date nearer the time.
Councillor Michael Barnacle Independent Member for Kinross-shire