Pedestrian Crossing Lights On A977
(see email exchange below)*
Apart from the western edge of Blairingone, where the lights are set on red as a traffic calming measure, the lights in Crook & Drum should now have reverted to a push-button operation after PKC officers, without consultation with elected members under emergency powers, had authorised automatic red-light operations at such. Gairneybank Speeding
After representations I have written to the Roads Department on this, which I have also witnessed, asking for a timescale for a VAS that is much needed at this locus. Kinross-Shire Community Transport Group (KCTG)
Readers will note the replacement bus services for the shire featured in November’s issue and my plea to ‘Use It Or Lose It’ in October’s edition. I have set up a virtual meeting of the Group on 19/11/20 to discuss same and the continuing need for a community transport initiative that supports and augments current services.
Kinross-Shire Issues Of Importance
Readers will note the outcome of my virtual meeting with the CEO of PKC summarised in the Oct/Nov editions. I had no response to my last email on 16/10/20 and have since learnt that she will be leaving PKC in the near future after a very short term in office. In view of this, I have tabled these issues for discussion at the Kinross-shire Ward Forum of CC’s set for 2/12/20.
Planning Matters
Lathro Farm Appeal
(see joint letter on p.11 from local members to DPEA Reporter). Housing proposal on land next to Scout Camp in Crook-Reporter has dismissed the appeal against refusal and I have written to the agent suggesting dialogue with the community. RSPB’s application for improved facilities at Lochleven Heritage Trail has been approved and hopefully PKC will be successful with their application for part-funding from the Rural Tourism Infrastructure Fund (expected outcome 4/12/20).
*Email to Brian Cargill from Mike Barnacle, sent 14/11/20
Dear Brian,
At the last meeting of Fossoway Community Council I was forced to apologise for the complete lack of consultation/ communication from PKC officers re A977, despite my best efforts. Despite numerous requests I cannot get any response to need for updates. Can you explain why officers seem to think they can ignore local members? Cllr Mike Barnacle.
Extracts from an email received from Blair Watt, Project Officer on 16/11/20 Thank you for your enquiries regarding A977 mitigation measures. Please see updates below.
A977 School Road Traffic Signal Installation – The project was abandoned due to a dispute with BT. We managed to resolve this and had the project programmed for April 2020 but due to the pandemic, it had to be postponed. The Traffic and Network team are working tirelessly to deliver the agreed Spaces for People measures… These measures are to enable safe physical distancing and to encourage active travel. The team have had many members redeployed, making it difficult to progress projects other than Spaces for People measures. In order to deliver this project as soon as practically possible, we have brought in a design consultancy to complete the design of the signalised junction. Works are at an advanced stage and we hope to complete it within the coming weeks… Once complete, we will work with Tayside Contracts to complete the works as soon as possible….I cannot give an accurate timescale of when the works will be complete but we are hopeful it will be before the end of the financial year.
A977/B9097 Junction re-alignment – The A977/B9097 junction realignment was programmed for April 2020 but postponed due to Covid-19. The design is still to be finalised and will be carried out as and when resources permit. Once complete, works will be carried out as quickly as possible. I cannot give an accurate timescale of when the works will be complete.
Village Gateway Signs – We are currently working on installing the village gateway signs that were agreed prior to lockdown. We expect to have this complete early in the new calendar year.
Fossoway School Exclusion Zone – The School exclusion Zone project has been postponed until the School Road traffic signals have been installed and travel patterns have been monitored.
20Mph Speed Limits – Drawings have been produced for temporary 20mph speed limits in Drum village and at Waulkmill in Crook of Devon… both of these proposals will be circulated to the Elected Members and Community Council later this week for consideration.
The above updates are subject to change given the nature of the on-going Covid-19 pandemic.
Kind Regards, Blair Watt, Project Officer
Finally, may I take this opportunity to offer constituents Christmas greetings and best wishes for the coming year.
Councillor Michael Barnacle
Independent Member for Kinross-shire