This article was first published in the November 2013 Kinross Newsletter.
The Reporter’s examination was issued on 11 October. The
Reporter’s findings are largely binding on Planning
Authorities. PKC have to produce their proposed
modifications to the Plan, incorporating the findings, by
8 January 2014 at latest.
I will be reporting to constituents in more detail in due
course, but I have noted the following from the Reporter’s
findings that I am especially pleased with, given
representations I made in April 2012 and at debate in
January 2013, viz:
1. The removal of employment sites at Turfhills, west of
the motorway.
2. Deletion of H46, west Kinross housing site, and
redesignat e as open space.
3. Deletion of Opportunity Site 10, Market Park, and
retain as open space.
4. Identi fy land at Blairingone which represents Site B in
the Main Issues Report for 30 houses.
5. Reduce the allocation at H53 in Powmill to restrict the
housing site to thirty units on the north side of A977
and delete reference to serviced business land therein.
6. Include area defined as R2 by Fossoway Community
Strategy Group in Rumbling Bridge at Firgrove/
Merryhills within settlement boundary.
7. Importance of A977 as strategic route through Kinross –
shire is recognised and PKC will support further traffic
mitigation schemes between Blairingone and Kinross,
including examining need for a by-pass and potential
line [of such a by-pass].
8. Amend Policy CF2 to provide further protection to
former railway lines from development along with core
paths, asserted rights of way and other well used routes.
9. Reinforce need for appropriate mitigation measures in
line with Policy EP7 relating to Loch Leven Catchment
Area, with particular reference to developments at
Carnbo, Cleish, Greenacres and Wester Balgedie.
10. Site at Schiehallion, north west Crook of Devon, should
be included within settlement boundary. Effectively this
is the only change, which means that the Naemoor
Road site for 90 houses that I asked to be dropped from
the Plan in October 2011 will not be included,
vindicating the long campaign by the community over
many years opposed to this development.
11. To restrict the proposed housing at site H54 in
Scotlandwell to a maximum of 1½ storeys in height.
I believe the above findings and subsequent modification
are a good outcome for Kinross -shire and a vindication of
all the hard work put in by mysel f and the community in
making represent ations during the consultation process.