A hard copy has been given to the members of the Development Management Committee
Sent on behalf of Councillor Mike Barnacle
I am away on annual vacation from 10th instant and cannot therefore attend the above Committee, although I did ask Nick Brian if he could have put back the Report for a month, which given the Report, would not have made a material difference but this was not agreed. It is probably just as well I am not attending because I am furious with the lack of progress.
I feel it is necessary to send to you the following background information viz:
- My email to Committee colleagues of 14/13/15 and enclosures
- My email of 11/8/15 to Nick Brian
- Brian Stanford’s reply of 12/8/15
- Briefing note from Eddie Jordan re Conditions on 18/8/15 (Note that Cllr Robertson had a recent site meeting to discuss noise issues but I don’t know the outcome).
IN SUMMARY, The intervening 6 months have achieved absolutely nothing. In fact site development into the ‘paddock area’ is a clear intention. No monitoring of the site occurs unless the community report activity.
Graeme Drummond, Asset Planner of Scottish Water advised me today that there is no current capacity at the Drum WWTP and no more connections will be allowed into the system in the foreseeable future. A number of properties in the settled community still await connection to what was an environmental improvement scheme both I and the community lobbied for; I do not wish to see gypsy/travellers given priority above others when they have so singularly failed to deliver on the conditions they promised to adhere to. In my view it is totally unreasonable to allow them another 12 months to connect to mains drainage that I and the CC have been assured is not likely to be available. A growth project is needed to stimulate further investment into the WWTP, a proposal from the settled community gaining credence with forward planning. The applicants have been on site, within the Lochleven catchment, since March 2012 without any drainage, sewerage and water arrangements, the protocol with SNH and SEPA is totally breached and I shall be writing on my return to the most senior officials at PKC, SNH and SEPA regarding their collective failure of the statutory duty to protect Lochleven (Policy EP7). Our ‘open-door’ policy RD5 requires immediate revision to protect the amenity of the settled community.
Yours, in disgust
Councillor Mike Barnacle
Independent Member for Kinross-shire