SEE BELOW FOR THE minutes of two recent meetings.
Kinross-Shire Forum Of Community Councils
(Wednesday 2 December 2020: 7pm Via Zoom)
Present: S Bruce-Jones & A Cheape (Fossoway CC), D Colliar & L McKay (Kinross CC), F Principe-Gillespie (Cleish CC), D Morris (Portmoak CC), Councillors: M Barnacle, C Purves, W Robertson, R Watters.
Apologies: Milnathort CC
Cllr Barnacle’s correspondence exchange with PKC CEO
MB summarised this, excluding our Agenda Items 3 & 6, to which the following comments were subsequently made viz –
Addressing the o/s crime, environment & planning issues at Crook Moss Gypsy Traveller Site
MB stated that, although purely an issue for Fossoway CC, it was one of the worst planning decisions in his 20 years as a councillor and he continues to get representations from the community about it & PKC’s inaction. He suggested at Fossoway CC on 1 December that he would make one final attempt to get Planning to bring a compliance report back to committee in advance of a possible petition in Drum (post-Covid-19) and adverse press coverage of PKC. AC &SBJ agreed that action was needed, CP referred to PKC’s enforcement charter, WR stated ‘light touch’ approach of PKC to gypsy travellers & a query was raised on site residents paying council tax? It was agreed that MB would work on a joint letter to be sent to Planning from ward councillors & Fossoway CC.
Ochil Hills & Lomond Hills Regional Parks Creation & Extension
In response to PKC’s lack of resources argument, DM suggested writing to Scottish Government regarding the Lomond Hills extension encompassing Fife & PKC authority boundaries & what external funding is available for Regional Parks? WR stressed the need for a political decision at PKC. MB to speak to Angus Forbes, Convenor of Enterprise & Infrastructure prior to Committee motion on further action. Affordable Housing in Rural Communities of Kinross-shire
DM stated that existing policy mitigates against this even though we have a policy for on-site provision, which RW agreed was happening but this was due to lack of policy implementation at Committee (Development Management). WR suggested we need a policy amendment because developers get around it and FG asked how? Both MB & RW serve on member officer working groups that cover this, so will pursue it in 2021.
Kinross-shire Border Signage
General agreement on local fund-raising for this i.e. DC re Kinross CC funding & AC re Kinross-shire Fund. CP noted ‘County of Kinross’ sign at entrance to Keltybridge. MB offered to do survey of Kinross-shire border to evaluate requirements.
NOTE MB disappointed that no comment was made in relation to following issues viz • Lack of PKC policy on maintaining sustainability of rural communities.
• Ensuring the retention of a banking facility in Kinross-shire – subsequently announced that Bank of Scotland are closing last branch in March 2021.
• Restoring the landscape designations for the Cleish Hills & Devon Gorge.
• Level of Housing Development in Kinross & Milnathort & their effect on Loch Leven, etc.
Kinross-shire Area Committee Proposal Update
CP stated that our draft scheme had not been assessed for competence by PKC Legal & that their suggestions on referral to another MOWG & for provision under the P&K offer were not appropriate so we were going around in circles with bureaucratic obfuscation. AC suggested that the increase in our population since former Kinross County justified an area committee. RW suggested that our ‘pilot scheme’ should be seen as an opportunity that may benefit other areas of PKC. DM thought we needed planning to be devolved but CP not sure we could deliver that at present. WR suggested approaching Cllr Murray Lyle (Admin Leader) & MB agreed to explore with group leaders @ PKC officer resistance to proposal. (N.B. MB in course of doing that)
Kinross-shire Community Transport Group Update
MB outlined this & that the draft minutes of our meeting on 19/11/20 were to come to him for approval & circulation (subsequently done). There had been a subsequent exchange of emails between PKC’s public transport unit & John Fallon of Rumbling Bridge. MB had been informed of a PKAVS contact to help achieve charitable status for group. MB had asked Margaret Roy if PKC would produce a Capital Budget Business Case for an electric mini-bus service in the shire.
Kinross-shire Community Speedwatch Initiative Update
WR stated that Cleish CC had met with the Police to discuss this, which has their support. Aim is to establish a Kinross-shire wide scheme, which would need funding because equipment costing around £1500 needed. FG pointed out that equipment has to be calibrated annually; it was queried whether his assertion that the presence of 3 witnesses would enable pursuance of a speeding offence; public liability could be obtained under PKC cover. DM felt that speeding control should be left to the Police but both SBJ & WR said the police were not enforcing same. WR stated that all pedestrian lighted crossings in PKC had now reverted to push-button operation (MB thought this correct with exception of Blairingone West as traffic calming measure). Both SBJ &LM said their CC’s supported the initiative & WR wanted all CC’s to let him know by next Forum meeting.
Perth & Kinross Offer
WR & CP stated that CC’s should know that PKC were looking at different ways of doing things in ward areas, involving more use of voluntary groups in a new contract between communities & PKC. DM felt this was a distraction in dealing with an intransigent PKC with a culture of officers pursuing their own agenda; there was a need to get the basics right!
WR felt there was a lack of a united front on issues at the Forum because of the attendance viz no show from Glenfarg & Milnathort CC’s & only one member representing Cleish & Portmoak CC’s respectively.
Date of next meetings in 2021 were agreed, all at 7pm on first Wednesday quarterly viz
• 3 March (CP to take minutes) Probably virtually!
• 2 June (WR to take minutes) Hopefully at Campus
• 1 September (RW to take minutes) Hopefully at Campus
Kinross-shire Public Transport/Community Transport
(Zoom Meeting, 7pm, 19 November 2020)
Present: Cllr Barnacle, Cllr Purves, Cllr Robertson, Cllr Watters (Perth & Kinross Council), Paul Appleby (Cleish Community Council), Carol Farquhar (Fossoway Community Council), Malcolm Thomson (Milnathort Community Council), Michael Haigh (Fossoway Community Council), John Fallon (Local Resident Rumbling Bridge), Margaret Ponton, Douglas Fraser (Glenfarg Community Council), David Aird (Kinross-shire Volunteer Group), David Collier (Kinross Community Council), Margaret Roy (Perth & Kinross Council PTU).
Apologies: Andrew Warrington (ACBuG), Sarah Brown (Kinross High School), Doctor McCracken (Loch Leven Health Centre), Ann Cragoe (Portmoak Community Council), Pauline Watson (Kinross[1]Shire Volunteer Group).
Cllr Barnacle opened the meeting and noted apologies from Andrew Warrington. All attendees then introduced themselves.
Kinross Newsletter 29 News Kinross-shire Transport Survey 2019 Re-Cap Councillor Michael Barnacle opened the meeting by recapping on the results of the results of the 2019 Kinross-Shire Public Transport/Community Transport Survey and highlighting that the 3 main reasons for public transport demand in the area were:
• Shopping
• Health
• Social Reasons
New Local Bus Services: Services X53 and 55
John Fallon advised that he had observed and travelled on Service 53X and his findings were that the patronage is good west of Dollar but very low numbers in the other direction. He added that the timetable was similar to the previous Service 23 in that you had a 2 hour wait in Kinross before you could make a return journey. JF shared details of a suggested re-cast of both Services X53 and X56. Cllr Barnacle asked that JF then email his proposals to MR so that consideration could be given for MR progressing these with First and Stagecoach East Scotland. Margaret Ponton advised that she had used Service 55 and that the facility to visit Sainsburys for 40 minutes before a return journey was welcome. MP shared that local feedback had been that the connections with the X Services were not working. MR queried if this was due to passengers expecting to connect in Milnathort rather than Kinross Park and Ride. MR clarified that timetable had been cast with Kinross Park and Ride as connecting point as that if X bus broke down etc, passengers would have opportunity to shelter and use facilities in nearby Sainsburys whereas in Milnathort they may not have that option. MR to email MP the timetable highlighting where and when all connections are for sharing with Glenfarg area residents. MP shared that young people in Glenfarg are using Service 55 to travel home from after school activities in Kinross.
MR confirmed that she receives passenger stats from Earnside Coaches re usage but all agreed that current numbers are not representative of potential demand in recovery due to current restrictions.
MR confirmed that she continues to liaise with Stagecoach regarding securing a off peak day return journey on Service 56 between Glenfarg and Perth
The Future of Public Transport in Kinross-shire
MR confirmed that Angela’s Cars had re-commenced operating the DRT scheme but due to current restrictions and also provision of Service X23, the option of sourcing additional operators into this scheme were not being progressed at this time and this situation would be re-visited in the Spring.
Cllr Barnacle suggested that a small community bus is an option worth consideration for future transport provision in rural Kinross-shire.
Cllr Purves added that facility for North, West and East all linking into Kinross should be explored but was also happy to revisit an East/West service.
Cllr Barnacle highlighted that a pilot may be advisable to test if there was a genuine demand for such a community bus service and asked MR to establish a approximate cost of a group buying a vehicle or contracting out to a commercial bus operator so that the group can make an informed choice.
DA confirmed that the above suggested community bus would not impact on the work of KVG as KVG doesn’t run a bus service but rather they offer a particular more bespoke and befriending transport solution.
Cllr Robertson noted that a concerted effort should be made to retain Service 55. AOB
Cllr Barnacle noted that if a group were to be formed then they would require a constitution and charitable status. MR advised that she had a contact at PKAVS in this regard who she would put in touch with Cllr Barnacle.
Group in agreement that a copy of the final agreed minutes should be submitted to the next Kinross Newsletter.
Group keen to connect with Kinross High School headteacher at next meeting in terms of establishing transport needs of young people.
Also wish to progress discussion with Doctor from Loch Leven surgery as to fitting appointments in with public transport times. Some members of Milnathort Community Council had issues accessing Microsoft Teams for the meeting and Zoom would be a preferable format. Councillor Purves confirmed that he had a Zoom account and could facilitate meetings in this format going forward.
Date of next meeting: Either Thursday 21 January or Thursday 28 January 2021. Cllr Barnacle will canvas opinion on most suitable date nearer the time.
Councillor Michael Barnacle Independent Member for Kinross-shire