THANKS TO PRESSURE FROM local councillors and the public, following talks between Clackmannanshire Council and PKC we now have a new bus service operating between Stirling and Kinross by First Midland. It is the Service X53 which runs roughly every two hours from Monday to Saturday. Phone 01324 602200 for more detail. While the timings may not be ideal and the loss of a continuing service east of Kinross to St Andrews is still to be addressed, my message to residents is, ‘USE IT OR LOSE IT!’
Notes I made from a virtual meeting with the Chief Executive Officer of PKC on 1 September, 2020
Pilot area committee of PKC for Kinross-shire
Kinross-shire was a former ‘county’ in its own right with a long history and identity. It is therefore the ideal ward candidate for a ‘pilot’ area committee of PKC. In June 2019 following a meeting with Lisa Simpson, Cllr Purves and I drafted a pilot scheme of administration, adopted from schemes in other councils, which was sent to her for her views. Nothing happened. I wrote to Lisa on 17/12/19, copied to yourself, pointing out that Kinross-shire Community Council Forum had agree that we should pursue this. Again, no progress has been made. PKC appear in reports to support ‘empowering communities’ but obstruct attempts to do just that!
Lack of policy @ PKC on maintaining sustainability of rural communities
No response to my letter of 13/6/19, copied to yourself etc, to Murray Lyle!
Ensuring the retention of one bank in Kinross-shire
Note my email to you of 23/5/20 – Bank of Scotland branch closure on hold and to be ‘reviewed’ after pandemic is over. I am not convinced, however, that their decision on closure will be altered in the long term. It occurs to me, could PKC use their campuses to provide a banking facility in dialogue with the banks?
Pursuit of a rail link from Kinross to Fife Circle (PKC policy)
In 1895 Edinburgh to Perth took 65 minutes, in 2015 it took 71 minutes. The Scottish Government rejected Transform Scotland’s proposals for a direct link between Edinburgh and Perth with Perth Station becoming inter-city hub in February 2016. At Full Council in Kinross On 4/10/17, a Motion to establish a Park & Ride station at Kinross to link to Fife Circle at Cowdenbeath by lobbying Scottish Government and Transport Scotland was passed unanimously but officers have singularly failed to pursue this through Tayplan Transport Strategies since. N.B. My letter of 16/5/18 to Newsletter editor.
Restoring the Landscape Designations for the Cleish Hills and Devon Gorge These Areas of Great Landscape Value were established in the Local Plan 2004 following a community campaign against officer recommendations. (Article in Newsletter Spring 2014).
When PKC reviewed Local Landscape Designations for supplementary guidance to LDP1 they used consultants and a review panel that I participated in. The consultants ‘ignored’ review panel representation on these areas despite them meeting evaluation criteria and I have sought ever since to get Forward Planning to review their ‘flawed’ conclusion. I am supported in this endeavour by KCT, Friends of the Ochils, Kinross-shire CC’s. Ward elected members, Muckhart CC, Rural Scotland (I am a Council member). You were at SP&R of 29/1/20 when my amendment failed.
Addressing The O/S Crime, Environment & Planning Issues at Crook Moss Gypsy Traveller Site
Applicants have been on site, within Lochleven catchment, since March 2012.
Widespread, almost unanimous, opposition of local members and community, to planning approval on 9/10/13, subject to 17 conditions. Original objections majored on Lochleven catchment drainage, landscape assessment, residential amenity and proximity to settlement boundary. Agent for applicant gave assurances of compliance within 3 months.
Whilst enforcement discretionary, PKC’s top priority for same are breaches on environment (Policy EP7 within Lochleven catchment area), public and residential amenity. Drainage still not in place, no portable toilet facilities on site, planners ignored their own landscape assessment that site not appropriate for development, still no adequate landscaping and ‘paddock area’ is a scrapyard!
Wrote to Barbara Renton on 9/5/18 re landscaping and general site appearance. Nothing was Actioned. This followed Enforcement Report to Committee on 9/5/18 (following reports on 18/3/15, 16/9/15, 13/1/16, 11/5/16, 24/5/17) recommending a closing report once all issues resolved – this last recommendation has been rejected by Kristian Smith! That last report in May ’18 was subject of a scathing email to colleagues from me that remains a statement of the obvious and which I sent to Barbara Renton then. It resulted, in due course, with referral to Standards Commission who decided not to investigate officer complaints against me.
At my request a meeting was held on 14/1/20 @ 2 High Street involving Fossoway CC, Police, PKC planners, the gypsy liaison officer and site residents. It achieved nothing!
Current situation – One additional pitch has been formed, with a permanent structure thereon, without planning permission, in original turning area. Occupant of this pitch currently in jail for murder. Residents want enforcement by PKC!
Infrastructure still not in place and private waste water treatment rejected on several occasions by SEPA.
‘Permanent scrapyard’ in paddock area on edge of Crook of Devon doesn’t have planning permission. Site at this end a worsening eyesore on edge of village. This area changing ownership. Only one occupant of 5 consented pitches in residence, rest afraid to return to site. Attempts by myself to contact drainage contractor have been fruitless, latest of a number of dates for connection now 14/9/20. Planning said ongoing enforcement but nothing is happening!
Gipsy liaison officer offered no solutions for site residents. Community Council agree with me that present situation is totally unacceptable. I am aware of interest in the site for affordable housing from neighbouring landowner but planning said this would be very difficult to accomplish.
Other items ward members share my concerns with
viz Ochil Hills and Lomond Hills Regional Parks creation and extension
See my letter of 13/6/19 to Murray Lyle, copied to yourself. Peter Marshall was to write to neighbouring authorities but I have not had confirmation of this.
Level of housing development in Kinross & Milnathort and its effect on the condition of Loch Leven, its catchment and our local health facilities.
There is real concern here about lack of phasing of large[1]scale housing development, particularly where mentioned in development plans, putting pressure on the Loch’s environment and community services. Raised with Peter Marshall & Roz McCall, Convenor of Planning MOWG that is not meeting, without response to my knowledge. Strong feeling locally that policies to protect Loch Leven and its catchment are not being given due weight by the planning department. There is an urgent need to review the protocol on this involving PKC, SEPA, SNH and I suggest Scottish Water, also Cllr Robertson has had no response to his questions on Lochleven planning policies, in particular why the agreed 10% reduction in housing nos to protect Loch Leven is being ignored?
Is it possible to have a ward campaign ‘Keep Kinross-shire Tidy’ or should this be authority-wide? Councillors feel that not enough is being done to combat this through publicity.
Flooding in Drum Area
I have repeatedly asked in submissions to LDP’s for the Drum area of Kinross-shire, which has a very high-water table, to be considered for a flood management plan or help with a ditch management scheme, to no avail. On 26/8/20 I visited a resident of Drum who has been flooded twice this year. Have asked PKC officers for site meeting in second half of September! Surely the Drum area should have recognition of its capacity for flooding! Also, I wrote to Peter Marshall and Roz McCall re house construction on flood plains, particularly encouraging the construction industry to make the ground floor of such housing a garage and not living accommodation. Not aware of any response.
Affordable housing in rural communities of Kinross-shire
None is being built and none scheduled in PKC planning! We have a MOWG for this, not meeting.
Kinross-shire border signage
Introduced as a sub-division of a previous PKC branding exercise, it has proved very popular and could be extended. Given budgetary constraints, would PKC accept a shire CC Forum initiative to raise funding?
Covid-19 Resilience Groups
As I am sure occurred elsewhere in PKC area, Kinross-shire was blessed with voluntary groups helping out in the pandemic and local members are considering how best to harness that goodwill going forward, any suggestions?
Finally, length of planning meetings, standard of reports and so on
This is of concern, particularly the meeting on 1/7/20 which I referred to in my email of 20/8/20. We have a planning MOWG, under Roz McCall’s convenorship, but I don’t think she recognises the many concerns around planning issues I have previously raised, consequently, it rarely meets.
As a member of the Council of Rural Scotland (APRS), I was involved in the organisation’s Submission to Government on National Planning Framework 4 re landscape, etc and have sent a copy to Peter Marshall. If PKC were to embrace their approach, I would be very content and surprised. Thanks for your time, Karen.
Councillor Michael Barnacle
Independent Member for Kinross-shire