Sent on behalf of Councillor Mike Barnacle
Dear Chic
I understand Ward Councillors are set to meet with yourself and colleagues at the above to discuss ongoing roads matters and write to outline the main points I wish to raise at that meeting viz:-
As you are aware, a community consultation event was held on 18/2/17 in Crook of Devon regarding LDP2 zoning issues in Fossoway and A977 mitigation measures (I enclose the resident’s letter, circulated by myself and Councillor Cuthbert). Whilst I understand why the Council’s Roads’ Department were not ready to consult on the A977 capital programme, Councillor Cuthbert and myself felt it was an opportunity for us to gather community views thereon and I enclose copy of our consultation form. The responses to this are significant and continuing; my secretary has prepared an up-to-date matrix of these and summarised comments, which I shall present at our meeting for your assistance in your future consultations with the community.
The B9097 Action Plan was the subject of comment from myself on 21/11/16 and Daryl will also note Brian Glennie’s email of 22/2/17 forwarded on 28/2/17. I have been told the ‘Action Plan’ is not a consultation but a programme to be implemented regardless of community views; this seems an extraordinary position and I seek clarity?
Drum Main Street consultation on proposed weight restriction has received significant response from residents. I understand this must be the ‘prohibition of entry’ for commercial vehicles referred to in the B9097 Action Plan. From the responses, it is clear that residents, whilst welcoming the proposal, do not feel it goes far enough and will probably not be enforced. I share that view and feel a wider discussion is needed around the further measures suggested, including a 20 mph limit put forward for consideration by Fossoway CC?
Waiting restrictions proposed on the approaches to Portmoak Primary School are the subject of comment from residents and I note the objections thereto. This was discussed at the March meeting of Portmoak CC and Councillor Robertson suggested consideration of a ‘pilot’ scheme, as exists around Arngask Primary School, to prohibit all but essential service vehicles and local residents from school approaches at school opening/closing times; it was also suggested that we should review the operation of the one-way system?
Pedestrian Safety in Kinnesswood and Scotlandwell was the subject of an assessment presented to Ward members on 29/9/16 and discussed at a packed meeting of residents at Portmoak CC on 11/10/16, from which I sent to Brian and Daryl a summary of my notes, in particular support for substantial village gateway entrances and 20 mph limits. What is happening regarding this?
Please note my email of 22/2/17 to Daryl suggesting that the 30 mph limit on Naemoor Road between Crook of Devon and Rumbling Ridge should be extended at its eastern and western ends; can you advise when you can assess this?
You should note my email to Brian of 10/3/17 supporting the proposed Green Route through Milnathort and Glenfarg CC areas and further notes thereon regarding the inappropriate use of the Dryside Road near Glenlomond by commercial vehicles to and from Fife, also the request for the blue signs for Findatie Car Park to include reference to café facilities.
I note imminent improvements scheduled for the Kinross High Street Regeneration Scheme, in particular the re-installation of a Puffin Crossing and relocation of 20 mph signs programmed for 10/4/17 on a 3-week timescale. I note I requested same on 20/1/16 and fail to understand why the facility was removed in the first place.
I note the E & I Committee agreement of 8/3/17 to extend the 40 mph limit west of Pittendreich and Channel Farm on the A911 with countdown markers west of the Old Mill.
Kind regards
Councillor Mike Barnacle
Independent Member for Kinross-shire
PS I look forward to further discussions at our meeting.