Sent on behalf of Councillor Mike Barnacle
Dear John and Jim
I refer to my meeting of 15th inst. With John and Councillor Giacopazzi, during which we discussed my letter of 18/7/14 and 16/3/15 to Jim and his reply of 8/4/15 re the above. I was tasked to investigate previous requests for measures, ascertain what might be considered and supported with local ward members, before responding with details for further discussion.
I have examined PKC’s Statement of Case at the Public Local Inquiry (PLI) of November 2004 into the new Upper Forth Crossing at Kincardine and the Summary of Proposed Mitigation Measures for the A977 produced, if funding could be secured viz:-
Of the measures proposed and still not implemented by PKC, I would highlight:-
- Large Roundabout at junction of A977/B913 in Blairingone
- Large Roundabout at junction of A977/B9097 in Drum
Both of these above locuses would break up a stretch of road with speeding vehicles, unless other measures can be suggested. Both could possibly be delivered through development proposals to our LDP review (MIR).
- Large roundabout at MOTO Service Station/Turfhills Roads Depot junctions with A977 – to be delivered through a planning permission of 22/6/11?
NB At the last LDP preparation, a large roundabout in Powmill at junction of A977/A823 was suggested as part of a Masterplan for the village, rejected by the Reporter (who did support mitigation, however).
- Improved access for cyclists and pedestrians across M90 interchange – I endorsed a proposal that this area should be subject of special study by Scottish Executive and PKC.
I personally proposed at the PLI the following, still not provided viz:-
- Speed Cameras between Blairingone and Kinross (we await a timescale from Chic Haggart for variable message signing).
- Crossing Point (signs/studs) for millennium footpath at western end of Crook of Devon.
- Enhanced measures at bend opposite village hall in Crook of Devon (currently with Daryl McKeown).
- Improve anti-skid surfacing on A977.
- At Balado, improve signage for Balado/Crossroads, provide safe crossing facilities for cyclists/pedestrians, introduce a 50mph speed limit from west of crossroads to new 40mph limit at Turfhills (still not implemented despite PKC agreement).
I would be obliged for road officer comment/research into funding of the above, prior to a further meeting.
Kind regards
Councillor Mike Barnacle
Independent Member for Kinross-shire